Can Twin Flames forget each other??

Can Twin flames forget each other, accept their separation, and just move on? Ask yourself ― can you really break-free from a part of yourself? Sure, with time, it can become suppressed or dormant, but you can’t just cut it out of you. Your ability to experience the gamut of human emotions cannot be takenContinue reading “Can Twin Flames forget each other??”

7 Must have Boots for Winters… Fashionista.

1. Knee length / Calf length suede Boots… goes with your casual yet sexy date look and are extremely comfortable and stylish to Carry. Also have the Oomph factor. 2. Black leather Military Ankle Boots – can be wore with anything and everything. Looks stylish, sexy and sportive. For the wild child in you, theContinue reading “7 Must have Boots for Winters… Fashionista.”

Follow Me on my YouTube channel..❤️

Follow me on YouTube as Apeksha Atulkar, I’m a Psychologist, Lifestyle coach, Relationship Advisor, a Writer, a Councellor, Blogger and a Fashion Stylist and a Fitness Motivator.

Light up your Mirror & Room to light Up your Life… ❤️

I Love Lights especially when the background is dark. Maybe in my Sub Conscious mind i somewhere love The Belief that there’s always a little bit of hope in the times of darkness. That hope’s comes in when you trust. I’m someone who is Optimistic in nature. I always find a reason of being PositiveContinue reading “Light up your Mirror & Room to light Up your Life… ❤️”

Love Gets Stronger Day by Day…. ❤️

Love is the most strongest positive energy of the Universe. It’s the Emotion every individual feels, the intensity, the passion, the drive, the craving, the emotion…. Everything feels like a roller-coaster ride. Love is Beautiful. When both the partners are in it. When both gives awau their ego for the sake of their relationship. TheyContinue reading “Love Gets Stronger Day by Day…. ❤️”

Winter Look for the Fashionista in you.

Women Loves Fashion. It’s a way to project your persona. What are you can be understood by how to dress up. Dressing sense is essential to look confident and Fabulous. So, Here is simple look you can carry to look Hot in Winters too. Accessories yourself with Sexy Ankle boots 👢 or Knee length BootsContinue reading “Winter Look for the Fashionista in you.”